I am, Jane Cook, the President and Founder of Empowered Women Create.
I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls, MiMa to 7 outrageously wonderful grandkids,
and wife to a tremendously supportive husband of 48 years.
I took early, early retirement as a school teacher to pursue my Art full-time.
Later I opened and ran a Christian bookstore and coffee shop
for 10 years and sold it to continue this current journey:
to help women vulnerable to poverty and undesirable employment
to create sustainable income for themselves and their children.
The journey has taken me from Africa to Haiti to Fiji
to Thailand & Singapore and to Cambodia.

It became clear to me after my 3rd trip to Cambodia, that these new and also established Artisan groups of women around the world, need not only teaching, training, tools, and support; they needed help in marketing their beautiful and unique products – to get their work out in the world where women like you could empower these artists by purchasing their product, which also empowers them to impact not only their family and future generations, but also their communities, their villages, towns, and cities and even their nation! We have now set up a nonprofit corporation called “Empowered Women Create” in the hopes of helping a larger number of women by expanding our ability.
I am so excited and grateful to have such a wonderful board and officers to help accomplish this mission. We are so excited to include YOU in empowering women around the world.
I am blessed to have this opportunity!